Usher Spotlight: Terry Coyle
5/21/2020 12AM

The Center's Usher Corps is sponsored by The National Bank of Indianapolis.
Hi, Terry! Tell us something interesting about you.
I absolutely love to play drums and always wanted to play! After 10 years, still learning, still growing. It’s amazing how much I have learned and what great fun it has been getting to know the musicians who have helped me along the way.
With no musical background, and no talent(!), I stumbled upon the drum set at the ripe old age of 55. My friends were moving to North Carolina, and they didn't want to move the drum set – that’s when I stepped in.
I signed up for music lessons through Carmel Music Center, moved to School of Rock, moved to Jon E. Gee (John Mellencamp’s bass player), moved to private lessons, and now I belong to the New Horizons Band. Our School of Rock band was Midlife Crisis. We morphed to Diamond Crush, to Rotary Rockers, to Rotary Dialtones, and finally the Dialtones. We play rock ’n’ roll cover music, and it’s great fun.
We’re never too old to learn. Pick up your instrument, dust it off, and join a band!
When deciding how you wanted to serve the community through volunteerism, what made you choose the Center to dedicate your service?
The CPA/Palladium is a fabulous venue for all to enjoy, with many great artists and performers. Volunteering is the best way to see each and every show!
What do you enjoy most about serving as a volunteer at the Center?
The staff/volunteers are the very best – I’ve met wonderfully interesting people. Also, interacting with the patrons brings great joy, especially those visiting the Center for the first time.
What is your favorite performance that you’ve ever seen at the Center? What made the experience so special?
For my birthday a few years ago, I purchased the VIP package to see Michael McDonald. I was in seventh heaven when he signed my drumsticks!
Can you share an example of a moment when one of your fellow volunteers inspired you with their service to a patron during a performance at the Center?
When a young girl became sick during a performance, while the girl's mother went to get the car, the volunteer stayed with the girl, brought her water and a blanket, and comforted her – for more than 15 minutes before the mother arrived in the car. The volunteer ended up carrying the sick girl to the car and helped secure the girl in the car during a rainstorm!