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  • Young adult students sit in the third and fourth rows of the Palladium concert hall, listening intently to a musician onstage who is sharing about his career while holding his hand in the air to emphasize a point.
  • A young adult student in a red beanie and jean jacket plays a keyboard while several professional musicians look on. One is holding a small white dog.
  • A group of thirteen women and girls of varying ages poses for a group shot on the Palladium stage.
  • Damien Escobar, professional violinist, looks on as a young girl plays his violin. There is a drum set and a keyboard in the background.
  • A man in a black shirt and black jeans points to technical theater equipment while four young boys look on.


Allied Solutions Center's FrontRow program invites small groups of high school and college students with interests in the performing arts to talk with Center Presents performers about the influences and experiences that have shaped their careers. At no cost to them, the students sit in on the artist’s sound check, then engage in a Q&A or special workshops with these accomplished professionals, followed by dinner and tickets to the performance.


FrontRow programs are available by invitation and have limited availability. Educators and students interested in participating should email




Note: These sessions of FrontRow were adapted to an online format during the 2020-2021 season.

