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  • Professional comic Mat Alano-Martin leads an Intro to Stand-Up Comedy class, showing clips of stand-up comics over history.
  • Professional comic Mat Alano-Martin stands on stage in the Studio Theater next to a microphone stand and a stool as he guides an Intro to Stand-Up Comedy class in forming their comedy set.
  • A Stand-Up Comedy Class student delivers his set for an audience in the Studio Theater as part of the graduation performance.

Stand-Up Comedy Classes

Intro to Stand-Up Comedy serves as both a look at the history and evolution of stand-up comedy and as a practical course that will cover joke mechanics and writing for stand-up as well as performance theory and practice. Over the course of the class, students will write and practice a five minute routine which they will perform for friends and family at the graduation show.

Stand-Up Comedy Practicum students work on perfecting their five-minute stand-up routines through repeated performances both in and out of the classroom and through classroom critiques and suggestions from the instructor, their peers, and guest lecturers who are professional comedians.  Students will be expected to spend one evening a week honing their routines at a local open mic event. Those who complete the four-week course will then perform in a graduation show at the Studio Theater.


To learn more about these classes, click the photo links below.

