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Center Presents

Luminaries: A Day to Remember...Doris Day

Payne & Mencias Palladium // Tuesday, May 27, 2pm ET

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2 p.m. presentation followed by light refreshments


A Day to Remember ... Doris Day
Mary Anne Barothy takes us on her sentimental journey from growing up in Indianapolis in the 1950s-1960s to following her “Day dream” – working for and living with America’s sweetheart, Doris Day. Barothy served for four years as Day’s personal secretary in the 1970s while the actress was filming her hit TV show at CBS, then lived with the screen legend in her Beverly Hills home for two years.

About the Presenter
Mary Anne Barothy grew up in Indianapolis and graduated from Marian University in 1966. In 1968, she left her society reporter job at The Indianapolis News to work in Hollywood, forming a friendship with Doris Day that evolved into a job for the Hoosier girl. An ardent fan since age 9, Barothy kept notes and wrote the 2007 book Day at a Time: An Indiana Girl’s Sentimental Journey to Doris Day’s Hollywood & Beyond. An updated edition with color photos was released in 2020 after Day’s death.