Usher Spotlight: Janet Guildenbecher
5/4/2020 12AM

The Center's Usher Corps is sponsored by The National Bank of Indianapolis.
Hi, Janet! Tell us a bit about yourself.
I am a longtime resident of Carmel (since first grade), and I absolutely love this city because of the people in it. My family means the world to me! I also love ushering and all the wonderful people involved with that. Nature brings me close to a spiritual feeling and peacefulness, so I hike and bike and take advantage of every opportunity I can to be outside. I also love to dance!
When deciding how you wanted to serve the community through volunteerism, what made you choose the Center to dedicate your service?
I decided to volunteer right when the Palladium first opened, because it was a new and exciting venture for Carmel and I was moving right next to the Center.
What do you enjoy most about serving as a volunteer at the Center?
Mostly I enjoy the friends I’ve made with the ushers and staff there. I also enjoy the patrons.
What is your favorite performance that you’ve ever seen at the Center? What made the experience so special?
I have enjoyed many, many shows, but Kenny Loggins in 2012 stands out because he not only did a great job of performing, but I have a special place in my heart for some of his songs.
Can you share an example of a moment where one of your fellow volunteers inspired you with their service to a patron during a performance at the Center?
I would have to say that Sue Hamilton is the usher I mostly notice who goes out of her way to make the patrons feel welcome and as if they are personal friends of hers.