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Social distancing and the arts

April 28, 2020

We can't get together like this right now, but the staffs of the Center for the Performing Arts and the Great American Songbook Foundation are busy rescheduling events and finding new ways to provide programming during this time of stay-at-home orders. (2019 photo)

Here's how the Center is responding to COVID-19


As we all join in the fight against the global coronavirus pandemic, the Center for the Performing Arts has suspended all gatherings on campus through June 30, including Center Presents concerts, Great American Songbook Foundation activities, Resident Company performances, education programs and rental events.


Events and ticketing

We are already rescheduling some events and continuing to book artists for the Center's 2020-2021 Season. For canceled performances, ticket holders are being contacted with the option of receiving refunds or donating the purchase amount to the presenting organization to help defray costs associated with the suspension.


Center Presents performances rescheduled so far include:

Questions about events and tickets can be sent to


Alternative programming

Even while working from home, our staff is busy finding new ways to live up to our mission: to engage and inspire the Central Indiana community through enriching arts experiences.


As a first step, the Center has launched a twice-weekly e-newsletter, Interlude, which offers our eClub members a menu of cultural content such as news about online performances that can be enjoyed at home, links to great material from the artists we’re working to reschedule, entertainment and education tips for homebound families, peeks behind the scenes at the Center, and other opportunities to help our patrons stay in touch with the arts.


To sign up for our eNews mailing list, just click here or hit the “Sign Up” button at Each issue of Interlude also is posted on the Center's blog.


The Songbook Foundation maintains an ongoing guide called Songbook Ways to Engage, featuring resources and activities to enjoy during this time of social distancing. Bookmark it for updates.


Business continuity

With the exception of essential on-site activities, our staff members are working remotely, as directed by public officials. The Center’s management team is meeting regularly by videoconference to maintain operations and address issues stemming from the current situation.


Questions about the Center’s operations can be sent to


Resources and news updates

The Center encourages everyone to follow the guidelines and orders issued by local, state and federal officials to maintain personal health and safety and to slow the spread of this deadly virus. This is a mission we all share.


FAQs about Indiana’s Stay-At-Home Order

City of Carmel

Indiana State Department of Health

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

White House Coronavirus Task Force

FEMA Coronavirus Rumor Control
